Thursday, 21 April 2016

Removing links on your bracelet

Resizing tool instructions
Resizing tool instructions
One of the things that distinguishes Magnetic Products Store from the crowd is that not only do they offer a huge variety of magnetic bracelets that can be purchased by people with a wide variety of chronic ailments, but they also offer excellent customer service.

For example, every links bracelet they sell, comes with a resizing tool that enables customers to remove links from their bracelet without having to send it back. This tool arrives with clear instructions on how to use it.

Expanding bracelet
Expanding bracelet
But of course the problem only arises if you buy a bracelet with links. Magnetic Products Store also sells a range of expanding bracelets. These are easy to put on and take off, because they expand over the hand. And you can slide them up your lower arm so that they sit close to the skin, thereby maximizing their effect.

For the athletes among you, suffering from sports injuries, they also some very nice silicone sports wrist bands. These too stretch over the hand and fit snugly on the wrist. With these, the issue of the bracelet being too big doesn't arise.

Copper bangle
Copper bangle - looks ancient
So already it is clear that when it comes to the "problem" of the magnetic bracelet being the wrong size, Magnetic Products Store leaves you spoilt for choice when it comes to the solution.

But that's not the end of the story, because finally - while we're on the subject of one-size-fits-all - they sell a very nice range of magnetic bangles. Like the rest of their range, these come in in a various materials: i.e. solid coppercopper alloystainless steel and titanium.

So one way or another you need never worry about your magnetic bracelet being the wrong size.

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