Monday, 8 March 2010

New magnetic bracelets

We will start to talk about new or special products here.


Anonymous said...

I certainly look forward to when you actually do give this information about the new products. The site is looking a bit empty at the moment. I hope this will change in due course as I am very anxious to get more information about the latest in magnetic therapy products and your site seems like the place to get it.

What I would ask is that you show a greater variety of magnetic therapy products that is knee braces and neck wraps, etc. That would be especially of interest to golfers.

Anonymous said...

I certainly look forward to when you actually do give this information about the new products. The site is looking a bit empty at the moment. I hope this will change in due course as I am very anxious to get more information about the latest in magnetic therapy products and your site seems like the place to get it.

What I would ask is that you show a greater variety of magnetic therapy products that is knee braces and neck wraps, etc. That would be especially of interest to golfers.